For First Nations people around the world, land is life. It is not just a source of livelihood; it tells their story and holds their cultural identity. And yet, in our region, this very stewardship of land and forests is under threat from several different directions.
Customary land ā€“ which is land that is communally owned and managed by communities who have tended it for thousands of years ā€“ is at risk due to private development.
The third-largest contiguous rainforest in the world, the New Guinea rainforest, is under threat because of illegal logging. In urban areas, informal settlers are being turfed off their land by unscrupulous developers.
Jubilee Australia has committed to connecting this back to corporate actors and government policies here in Australia. We work across the region to protect and uphold customary land, help identify the factors driving illegal logging, and support communities who have suffered forced eviction and displacement.